Nasrin Abu Baker

Nasrin Abu Baker is a multifaceted artist who works with various media, such as installations, paintings, and video art. Her artistic expression is influenced by her use of diverse materials, such as ready-made objects, industrial materials, textiles, tar, threads, wood, photographs, lighting, and more. Her works invite the viewers to enter a unique world that combines surrealism and fantasy with social, religious, and political commentary.

She draws inspiration from famous artworks and mythological stories, and infuses her creations with humor and sometimes religious or ritualistic elements. She also examines her identity and roots through feminist perspectives.

Nasrin Abu Baker was born in 1977 in Zalafa village and currently lives and works between Palestine and Germany. She holds a Master's degree (Meisterschülerstudium) from the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Academy in Leipzig, Germany (2021), and a Bachelor's degree in Education and Art from the Hamidrasha faculty of art at Beit Berl (2008).