Benji Boyadgian

Benji Boyadgian (1983, Jerusalem) studied architecture at ENSAPLV School of Architecture (L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette), specializing in urban sociology in post-conflict areas.

Boyadgian is a painter and a multi-media artist whose works explore themes revolving around perception, memory, territory, environment, architecture and landscape.

His recent exhibition include; 2024: (un)common ground. Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães, Guimarães. 2021: Little did they know. EVA internetional, Limerick, Ireland. For the phoenix to find its form in us. SAVVY contemporary, Berlin. 2020:  Yerevan Biennial, Digital exhibition.  Guests: Artists and Craftspeple, Istanbul Modern 2019: CrossSections_notes, Exhibition Laboratory at the University of the Arts Helsinki (Uniarts Helsinki). CrossSections_perspectives, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm. Phantom Limbs, Jameel arts center, Dubai. Shared Religious Sites, DEPO, Istanbul. Intimate Terrains, Palestinian Museum, Birzeit. Climbing through the tide, B7L9, Tunis.  2018: Jerusalem Show IV, ‘Actual and possible’, Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem.

Boyadgian lives and works in Jerusalem.