Iman Jabrah

Iman Jabrah (b.1994) is a Palestinian-American multidisciplinary artist, currently based at the Shang Yuan Art Museum Artist Residency in China. She is a recent graduate with an International Masters in Fine Art from China Academy of Art winning the Lin FengMian Bronze Award at the graduation Exhibition at Zhejiang Exhibition Hall. Her earlier education is in New Media Art BFA from Northern Kentucky University School of The Art class of 2016. In 2022, she exhibited internationally at the Cincinnati Art Museum and 21C Museum, as well as being an artist-in-residence at Praksis, a Researcher-in-Residence at the Peace Research institute of Oslo in Norway and a curator-in-residence at Wave Pool Art Space in Ohio, the Americas.

Iman holds a deep love for cultures which she attributes to a greater understanding through her work and art research. Recently, she has been exploring themes of healing, care towards culture and objects, through painting on fabric, murals, sculpture installation and the act of collecting. The niche that can be found in Iman’s works traverse between constructed/(re)constructed balance between restriction and abundance such as thorn symbolism and alchemy.